Thursday, September 07, 2006


Time passes way too fast. I never think I have neglected the blog for as long as I have. I should make myself a sign with the date of last post. Yes, I will do that now, on a sticky note, which I shall put on the computer screen.

Ok, I have a Mac and it has Dashboard, which has sticky notes but I still use the paper version. I really need stuff to be right in my face or it will NEVER happen. I still might procrastinate but with the paper note stuff eventually gets done. There is a guilt factor involved.

There, done

Now for the excuses:
A new school year is always busy but this has been especially crazy. New school, new grade level, and then this week, 8 days in, my class changes to a combination 3/4. A bunch of kids go, a bunch of kids arrive and Tuesday was like the first day of school all over again. I also had a bunch of third grade curriculum moved into my room, which had to be unpacked and put away. Too much to do, really. And I am such a disorganized slob! My best intentions never seem to work out. I still end up with piles. And home! Oh, no one wants to see what my home looks like right now. Really really bad!

And now to the knitting. I have been knitting on the train. That is nice. I seem to do better in the morning, though. I get motion sickness morning and evening, but the evening is more severe. That is puzzling. I have made a lot of progress on my herringbone lace silk scarf. I used up one whole skein! Now on to the second. I estimate that the scarf will be about 4 1/2 feet based on the length after one skein. I can't wait until it is colder so I can wear it with a cream colored top! The brown will look so nice like that.

I've been neglecting the army green sock in favor of the scarf, I admit. I am not ashamed, though! The scarf is where my mind is at right now, though I am really tempted to cast on another ball band dishcloth.

Another sticky note to self: deal with the gallery situation! This no pictures blog stuff needs to end.


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