Thursday, August 24, 2006

I Knit!

I knit today! For the first time in a couple of weeks, I think. I took the light rail today and knit on the way to work and back and it was great even though it gave me motion sickness. I have been working so much trying to get my room ready and plan and all that stuff that goes with starting at a new school and in a new grade level. I think in a week or so I will be more on top of things and I won't have to stay so late and that means more time to knit. But for now, enduring motion sickness will have to do.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

No Progress

I have not posted much lately as I have no progress to speak of. For the last week I have been moving into and getting to know the new school. Moving six years worth of teaching into a third floor classroom is hard work! I am so tired when I get home. Yes, too tired to knit, which is very unlike me. My silk scarf has been sitting in the same spot on the coffee table for about a week now. I try not to look at it so as not to be tempted. It takes effort, that scarf, and if I am too tired to pay attention I will screw it up. I really don't want to do that.

Hence, no progress.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Wise Budgeter

Wise? Or boring? Probably both. I have bought no yarn this month! Not even cheap Sugar n' Cream for dishclothes. No needles, either. Because I am starting a new teaching position I will not be getting paid until the end of September, which means I have to be very careful with my summer school money (thank goodness I did it or I'd be in big trouble). I have given myself a weekly budget for the first time ever and sadly, it does not include yarn or related supplies. Especially this week, with its added expense of dry cleaning. I think this is why I am having so much success with my UFO's. This lack of yarn buying is forcing me to work with what I already have. I am almost finished with the Broad Street Mittens and I am working on my herringbone lace scarf. Those are my two main projects right now but I think I need to cast on socks for a project I can take in my purse; the mittens I have to look at the pattern often and the scarf I lose track of what I am doing when thinking about other things, so these, though small, are not good for travel. Luckily, I have more Cascade Fixation in my stash! Yes, I think I must go cast on now. I am amazed I made it this long without doing so!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


As you can see, I have added some buttons. But I am doing something wrong because they link back to MY home page instead of where the buttons indicate. It is late; I will figure it out tomorrow.

Recently Finished Objects

I am so bad at titles. Very literal and uninteresting.

I have completed some things recently! Things that were sort of hanging over my head. Aida's armwarmers! I think I mentioned before that I frogged them and knitted the Fetching pattern instead. They are very pretty. I made them a bit longer for Aida. I love the fetching pattern! I made a pair for myself in the recommended yarn. I love them! There is enough non-wool fiber in them for them to not itch me like most animal fibers do. The first one gave me some trouble as I made a few not-paying-attention type mistakes. As I was knitting the second one I realized that I forgot the last cable round on the first one! So, I frogged and reknit with a cable round...that was facing the wrong way! I had bound off before I realized that I had cabled forward instead of back. I guess I got really used to cabling forward with that second one. Frogged again and finally got it right. Luckily the yarn is quite sturdy and looked fine for being frogged twice.

Let's see, what else have I completed? I finished my cousin's mittens and hat but I may have mentioned that already. I also made two ballband dishclothes. I love the orange and yellow best. It is very sunny. These are for my grandma's Christmas present.

I started on my right Broad Street Mitten. I just started on the thumb gussets. I hate thumb gussets, I have decided. I can't seem to make them look nice and neat. I might need to seek out a class in thumb gussets.

Let's take inventory:

Currently on Needles:

Broad Street Mitten
Silk Herringbone Lace Scarf
Moss Grid Hand Towel

WOW! I am down to four items! I think that is a record low for me. Now if I can resist the allure of casting on socks...or another dishcloth.

Update: Oops, forgot the right hand Fetching I need to make out of bamboo silk. I have the left one completed. Good news is that I am more than half done with the right hand Broad Street Mitten!