Monday, September 18, 2006


Tomorrow is International Talk Like a Pirate Day! Fun stuff. Sadly, it is also Back to School Night...probably not acceptable to talk like a pirate then.

Well, here is a funny song by the Arrogant Worms (I love their song Me Like Hockey). This one is The Last Saskatchewan Pirate. Have a listen!.

Monday, September 11, 2006


As previously mentioned my ambition is to get Gallery for my photos but since I find the directions difficult it is taking more effort than I can expend right now. I decided to renew my Fotki membership since my photos are already there and I can get them onto the blog from there (for some reason I don't have the upload photos capability here: very annoying).

So, I've got pictures of my first two pairs of socks, my first ballband dishcloth, first baby booties and a needle in a closet door track of the Needle in Closet Door Track Debacle (that is in the archives somewhere...I'll find it).



second sock

needle in track


Sunday, September 10, 2006

Yarn Harlot in Los Altos

Yesterday I went to the Yarn Harlot book signing in Los Altos. Here is my accounting of that experience. Wait, first, before I start complaining, I had better say that it was overall very great and my complaints are things that are my own fault/bad luck. Ok, done.

Well, let's see, first I had a bit of good luck. I double checked the Full Thread Ahead website around 2 yesterday and saw that I had somehow missed that check-in started at 2. And I had been planning to leave around 3:30! So, I hustled out of here and made it there around 3:15, which got me in group 5. I shudder to think how much time I would have had to kill if I'd been in group 8! After that I bought yarn. I bought a wonderful red merino wool, which I am going to make into a scarf that I will most likely have to constantly yank away from my neck because wool itches me. But it's the most gorgeous RED so I'll endure it.

When it was time to take our seats I sat down to knit and proceeded to get many strands of hair pulled out by the chair. This is one of those things that is my fault. If it had not been almost a year and a half since I got my hair cut, if I had not been continually procrastinating on that, my hair would not have been long enough to land in the chair's hair pulling clutches. I inspected the chair. I am still not sure what my hair was catching on. Whatever, I lost some hair yesterday while listening to the Harlot.

To the nice lady that saw I was wilting and saved my seat for me while I went to Jamba Juice, THANK YOU!

Now for the good part. The Yarn Harlot is as funny in person as in her blog and books . I love funny people and will even pay to go see one but this was free (all I had to do was lose some hair to a rogue chair)! Knitters, if the Harlot comes to a town near you you MUST go see her. And if you have no idea whom I am talking about go read her blog here.

So, after she spoke I had some time to kill. I ate then called my good friend Aida. She told me all about her Alaskan Cruise which was good because I could just listen and not be an "Obnoxious Cell Phone Person." Of course, when I told her where I was and why, she laughed. I kindly refrained from mentioning the anime conventions she goes to and her gigantic collection of video games.

Then it was time to get in line. I was waiting behind this tall lady who had knitted the jacket she was wearing. I stared at her back throughout the wait trying to figure out the weight of the yarn and such because the stitches looked so teeny you could hardly tell the garmet had been knit. When it was her turn she showed the Harlot her jacket and the guage was 32 stitches over 4 inches! And she had beaded it and lined it. Wow. I took a picture with my cell phone but it didn't come out very well.

So, it was my turn and the Harlot and I marveled over the jacket while she signed my book. She complained that her name is too long. I sympathized. I don't put my whole name on the internet but trust me, it's long. Then we posed for my picture with The Sock. This is where bad luck and stupid decision making on my part come in. I was too lazy to bring my digital camera and figured my phone would be good enough. I gave the lady my phone, showed her what to push. Afterward, I am walking out of the store looking at my phone to see the picture and it is TELLING ME GOODBYE! She pushed the wrong button! No picture with the Harlot! Oooh, so mad at self. If I had brought my digital that would not have happened. The off button on it is nowhere near the shutter button.

Sadly, this sort of occurance is not unusual for me. I am just a bad decision maker. I should have called this blog, "Confessions of an ADD Knitter," ADD being what I like to blame my poor and impulsive decision making skills on. I just don't think things through.

I wish I had some hockey to watch. That would make me feel better.

Later this week: Knitting and the Zone of Proximal Development.

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Time passes way too fast. I never think I have neglected the blog for as long as I have. I should make myself a sign with the date of last post. Yes, I will do that now, on a sticky note, which I shall put on the computer screen.

Ok, I have a Mac and it has Dashboard, which has sticky notes but I still use the paper version. I really need stuff to be right in my face or it will NEVER happen. I still might procrastinate but with the paper note stuff eventually gets done. There is a guilt factor involved.

There, done

Now for the excuses:
A new school year is always busy but this has been especially crazy. New school, new grade level, and then this week, 8 days in, my class changes to a combination 3/4. A bunch of kids go, a bunch of kids arrive and Tuesday was like the first day of school all over again. I also had a bunch of third grade curriculum moved into my room, which had to be unpacked and put away. Too much to do, really. And I am such a disorganized slob! My best intentions never seem to work out. I still end up with piles. And home! Oh, no one wants to see what my home looks like right now. Really really bad!

And now to the knitting. I have been knitting on the train. That is nice. I seem to do better in the morning, though. I get motion sickness morning and evening, but the evening is more severe. That is puzzling. I have made a lot of progress on my herringbone lace silk scarf. I used up one whole skein! Now on to the second. I estimate that the scarf will be about 4 1/2 feet based on the length after one skein. I can't wait until it is colder so I can wear it with a cream colored top! The brown will look so nice like that.

I've been neglecting the army green sock in favor of the scarf, I admit. I am not ashamed, though! The scarf is where my mind is at right now, though I am really tempted to cast on another ball band dishcloth.

Another sticky note to self: deal with the gallery situation! This no pictures blog stuff needs to end.