Monday, December 24, 2007

Sole Christmas Knitting Complete

I only did one knitted gift this year: the House Slippers from Knit Two Together (I thought Blogger had an underline option...was I imagining things?). I am giving these slippers to my grandmother. I hope they fit! And I hope they are comfortable.

I was stupid. I did not check gauge. Who knew my gauge would be two whole stitches too tight? Two whole stitches on size 13 needles with three strands of yarn held together is colossally different. I compensated by not felting too much. They are firm but not as firm as they could be. And one is slightly longer than the other.

Take a look.

Somehow I managed to get the knit purl sequence backwards on one of the slipper's sides. I hope Grandma won't be too particular. I did work really hard on these. Size 13 needles with three strands is hard on the hands; especially since I am apparently a tight knitter.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Busy Spinning

I've been so busy practicing my spinning that I have forgotten to blog. But now I have a good amount of spun fiber photographed. My favorite is the orange and white:

Which was then dyed purple:

This photo is a tad darker than the actual purples it came out.
Here is all of my stuff, both plied and unplied:

The red was originally white. It is my favorite. I think the smaller skein was my most even.

In knitting news, I have been knitting felted slippers for my grandma. They are three strands held together using size 13 needles and my hands start to hurt after awhile. Also, I failed to check my gauge properly and have 2 full stitches less per four inches. With these slippers that is huge. Grandma has small feet so maybe just a light felt will do.

My vacation starts this weekend! I hope to spin and knit the time away.