My life has been crazy lately. I feel like I live at my new job and it is not a good feeling. It is always difficult for me to form new habits and there are a good many of them to learn! I am tired and I don't get to knit as much.
However, that does not seem to keep me from casting on. I will be moving in a few weeks so I decided to pack up my yarns and needles in order to keep from starting new projects. I used those lovely gigantic Ziploc bags for my yarns and I put my needles in a box. I was disheartened, though, to see how I have accumulated more UFOs. I was doing so well, with the finishing stuff and all.
Here is the inventory:
Purple and Pink garter stitch scarf
Herringbone lace silk scarf
Red lace scarf (I seem to be on a scarf kick)
Cascade Ankle sock
Linen Hand Towel
green armwarmer (I think I may have to consider this abandoned)
Second Broad Street Mitten
second Fetching handwarmer made out of bamboo yarn
Damn, that is a lot. Almost at my previous high of 10 projects. Right not I am trying to focus on finishing the Broad Street Mitten, silk scarf, and purple and pink scarf. The rest shall have to sit!
I refuse to feel bad about myself because of these UFOs, just as I recently decided to not feel bad about being a human tornado. That is just no way to go through life.
So too bad people who think I should be neater and have less projects!
I have to laugh, because I just realized that every one of those projects if for me!